差 d 砌左部仇人機, 發現到 780a 如果之後用肥龍又點可以用 spi 400w, 況且佢都冇果個乜野 8 pin 頭, 睇來都係買個貴既 PSU 算數, seasonic 既點睇
仲有一樣野怕 就係呢 d 新 chipset 最初出既板通常都成堆問題, 見佢第一個 BIOS update 成堆咁既 bug 就知佢穫氣甚多, 唔知交髮II而家未出 係咪等佢搵到多 d 780a 既問題先呢, 如果做到某 d 貴價板咁, RoG 既先掂, 其他都超唔起就 hihi 啦
0603 BIOS
1. fixed the problem that it\'s unable to get into Express Gate if using AM2+ CPU.
2. Add option to enable/disable AMD CPU Errata 309.
3. fixed the problem that when using SLI-Ready Memory with AM2+ CPU, HT link will drop to 1.0GHz.
4. fixed the problem that it always show Checksum error if setting C\'n\'Q function to "Auto"
5. fixed the problem that memory is shared even if onboard VGA is disabled.
6. fixed the problem that system will show warning message sometimes when using AMD AM2+ CPU.
7. Fixed the problem that system hang if adjusting AI-Booster2.
8. fixed the problem that USB keyboard and mouse can\'t use in Express Gate.
9. modify "SCSI" string to RAID on Boot menu for RAID device.