
[業界消息] GPU Market: Intel / NVIDIA gain, AMD loses

原帖由 qcmadness 於 2013-11-22 16:11 發表

PC market is being replaced by tablets.
但我睇依家個勢似係 tablet 增長放緩 + PC 收縮放緩


原帖由 Puff 於 2013-11-23 13:40 發表

但我睇依家個勢似係 tablet 增長放緩 + PC 收縮放緩
http://jonpeddie.com/press-relea ... quarter-to-quarter/
The overall PC market increased 6.8% quarter-to-quarter, but declined 7.6% year-to-year.

Q3 is the quarter when retailers stock up for the holiday season and is traditionally seasonally higher than previous quarters. The gain this quarter compared to pre-2008 years is smaller, but it is positive.

GPUs are traditionally a leading indicator of the market, since a GPU goes into every system before it is shipped and most of the PC vendors are guiding down to flat for Q4’13.

The popularity of tablets and the persistent economic slowness are the most frequently mentioned reasons for the decline in the PC market. The CAGR for total PC graphics from 2012 to 2016 is  -2.7%; we expect the total shipments of graphics chips in 2016 to be 429 million units. In 2012, 479 million GPUs were shipped and the forecast for 2013 is 436 million.

Over a ten-year period the average quarter-to-quarter change showed a 6.5% increase. This quarter is below the average with a 1.6% increase.


原帖由 dom 於 2013-11-23 02:45 發表

對唔住, 我諗你都唔明 AMD 根本唔係獨市/霸權級
要講霸權級 係 INTEL
佢連"Atom series成功"都講得出既話, 佢有咩係知

事實係Intel / AMD / NVIDIA必須diversify

佢唔知Intel賣左ARM department
佢唔知AMD賣左smartphone chip GPU department
如果咁係叫唔重視主業, 我都唔知Intel / AMD係點先叫重視主業了

但係而家主業係無乜增長, 仲會慢慢收縮, 唔係Intel做咩要入smartphone market