If one plans to use iCloud calendar, he/she should notice that iCloud sync is not consistent as Windows Phone seems not handling the time zone of the calendar items correctly. This will happen on calendar entires that ARE NOT ADDED by the WP calendar app.
The workaround is to add and edit the items JUST by the WP calendar app, or one has to handle his/her items in UTC time zone on all other devices. The later is fine with iCloud Web apps, iOS and OS X's "Time Zone Support" option, but still annoying due to the timezone conversion math which shouldn't exist ideally.
If one is using Google Calendar and fails to sync somehow, he/she may check the "advanced settings" section of the Google account setting page, and change the CalDav server address from "apidata.googleusercontent.com" to "www.google.com".
本帖最後由 Puff 於 2014-4-15 17:59 編輯 ]