
[軟件] 買防毒軟件

Originally posted by ccw at 2010-6-23 12:40:

You will have to wait for this............or paypal

By the way, you should be able to use the 2010 key on it if you have bought.
Just download it will be fine.
都係等到期先再算 la


After reading the latest reports from this website:
http://www.av-comparatives.org/i ... =144&Itemid=152

I am now considering G-Data, do you have any idea on this?


a funny test site of different anti virus
http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/1314- ... &l=f&fid=16


After reading numerous reviews and tests by users and some experts, the final choice would be :

Damn, still Kaspersky.
It has the best performance besides those multi-engines antivirus software.

Final solution, stick with Avira Personal Free,
the good antivirus comes with great drop in performance.........

[ 本帖最後由 ccw 於 2010-11-14 03:08 編輯 ]