
[業界消息] Intel / AMD / NVIDIA Q3 Earning Thread

Intel / AMD / NVIDIA Q3 Earning Thread

http://www.intc.com/releasedetai ... pe=Financial%20News

Intel: revenue seq. 5% up, gross margin 5% up


原帖由 Puff 於 2013-10-17 22:56 發表
等睇 amd 會唔會 break even
一定會, 但會係假象


原帖由 Puff 於 2013-10-17 23:32 發表

好過無,最好 keep 到。因為 '14 睇落更加 tough. 尤其係 20nm 猴年馬月都未見到
唔知大貓聖誕/CES 有無望

其實係賣新加坡site office, 所以一定唔會見紅


原帖由 Puff 於 2013-10-17 23:35 發表

賣 premises 唔入 net profit/income statement 呀化?直入 cash equivalent 條數架嘛,之前賣 lone star 筆錢都係。
定係 US 既 accounting principle 唔同 D?



原帖由 Puff 於 2013-10-18 00:07 發表
原來你講賣新加坡有 $16 mil 呢筆數...
eh, 樂觀 d 睇 $16 mil 姐。如果佢今個 quarter $16+ mil net profit 同埋佢 keep 到下個 quarter above break-even 咪得。
Q4 仲要係傳統旺季,雖然唔知 AMD 賣得 d 乜。kabini ...


原帖由 Puff 於 2013-10-18 15:35 發表

最初 (岩岩 spin-off) 係今年有 22nm SOI,過多兩個季度就 20nm G。後黎大改,變左今年 H1 20nm LPM risk prod.,2014 年 20nm SHP。
但係家下 20nm SHP 瓜左,20nm LPM 就一打二,H2 先 risk production 。ready。14xm 下年 ...
Qualcomm chips by GF 28nm


原帖由 Puff 於 2013-10-18 19:01 發表

any launched products?
40/45nm products


原帖由 dom 於 2013-10-18 19:35 發表

GF is dragging AMD to death !
GF's influence to AMD will continue to decline


原帖由 Puff 於 2013-10-18 20:51 發表

but you said 28nm
SoC is Qualcomm's main business.
They need to test before they buy.


Intel: CPU / Chipset business: +5% Seq., net margin up
AMD: CPU / APU / Chipset business: -6% Seq., net margin up

Both Intel and AMD are migrating to new CPU / APUs with lower cost of sales.

AMD計, 扣左$3xxM revenue / ~$4x-5xM net profit (mid-teen operating profit), 其實AMD今季係打平手
但已經比Q2好得多 (Q2蝕$7xM), 亦都達到$450M operating expense target (Q3係$426M)


睇埋NVIDIA就知PC market俾Microsoft玩到咩樣


http://phx.corporate-ir.net/phoe ... 4091&highlight=

NVIDIA 2014 Q3 report
Revenue for the third quarter of fiscal 2014 was $1,054.0 million, up 7.9 percent sequentially and down 12.5 percent year over year. Our outlook was $1,030 million to $1,070 million.
The GPU business had revenue of $876.8 million, up 2.1 percent sequentially and down 1.9 percent year over year.

The sequential increase reflects record revenue in the current quarter for Quadro® and Tesla® GPUs for workstations and servers, a slight increase in GeForce® GPU revenue for desktops, offset by lower unit shipments of GeForce GPUs for notebooks. The year-over-year decrease reflects lower GPU revenue for desktops and notebooks, offset by record revenue in the current quarter for Quadro and Tesla GPUs. Within our GeForce GPU revenue, we continue to see strong demand for desktop and notebook gaming platforms while entry notebook GPUs continue to show unit decline.

The Tegra® Processor business had revenue of $111.2 million, up 111.4 percent sequentially and down 54.4 percent year over year. The sequential increase is largely related to Tegra 4, our new generation SOC processor, which began volume shipments this quarter in support of our customers’ new smartphones and tablets. We also began volume shipments of SHIELD™, our new NVIDIA-branded gaming and entertainment portable.

Revenue associated with the sale of embedded and automotive products was up, with revenue related to game consoles held relatively flat. The year-over-year decrease is largely related to lower volume shipments of Tegra 4 as compared to Tegra 3 in the prior year. It also reflects lower revenue associated with the sale of embedded products and game consoles, offset by increased revenue from automotive products.

License revenue from our patent license agreement with Intel was $66.0 million, unchanged from the previous and year-earlier quarters.
NVIDIA in a better shape than AMD in GPU department before Hawaii launch (seq. increase vs seq. decrease).
