
[智能電話] [持續更新] WP 8.1 大量新功能外洩

原帖由 kevinyuri 於 2014-3-2 23:01 發表
唔知係咪 fixed background 呢. wipe up/down 都唔郁果種


原帖由 Puff 於 2014-3-3 01:20 發表

唔知係咪 fixed background 呢. wipe up/down 都唔郁果種


The Verge 上載了 Cortana 的畫面截圖。從右邊的設定截圖中,用家可以按需要更改 Cortana 對您的稱呼。

http://blogjackphone.com/nokia/c ... phone-8-1-detailed/


同build 2014前後腳


https://www.youtube.com/watch?fe ... n3Y&app=desktop

微軟即將到來的 Windows Phone 8.1 更新將包含 Cortana, 一位個人數位語音助理, 旨在媲美 Apple Siri 和 Google Now. 熟悉微軟計畫的消息揭露給 The Verge 提到 Cortana 的外觀和操作, 來替代內建的 Bing. 雖然這個助理來自著名的 Halo (光環戰役) 遊戲系列, Cortana 在 WP8.1 上將會以圓狀圖式替代這位女性角色. 當它說話或思考時 Cortana 將會以動畫形式展現, 不同於 Apple 的 Siri.

如同 Siri, Cortana 允許 Windows Phone 用戶設定如何透過語音助理幫助他們解決問題. Cortana 可以設定成呼叫用戶的真名或是類似士官長的名稱. Cortana 關鍵的部分是它有能力儲存資訊和資料到"筆記本系統". 這筆記本將允許 Cortana 數位助理來存取資訊, 例如位置資料, 行為模式, 個人資訊, 待辦事項和聯絡人資訊. Cortana 也可以追蹤航班或是郵件中的提醒事項, 允許它生成類似 Google Now 的通知.

Cortana 將從像 Bing, Foursquare 和其它類似 Google 現在上下整合的服務來索取備份資料. 如同我們上個月報導過, 這位語音助理將會學習了解用戶並將此個人資料儲存於筆記本中. 雖然微軟在測試 Windows Phone 8.1 的過程中使用是 Cortana 的名字, 但是否在最終版本中使用此特定名稱尚不清楚. 預計微軟在即將到來的 Build 大會揭開 Cortana, 同一時間也會向開發者釋出 Windows Phone 8.1 的預覽版.


WP8.1 SDKs更新!曝光更多Action Center的資料!

相信讀者們都看過較早前流出的Windows Phone 8.1 Action Center的操作影片吧!但是我們不能通過這段影片去了解Action Center是如何運作的,不過在最新的Windows Phone 8.1 SDKs更新上的說明文件就給我們一個明確的指引。

Action Center容許每個Apps顯示20個訊息(Apps可以更新訊息內容),而每個訊息可以顯示7日或以下。那用戶操作方面,用戶可以按下訊息進入App、移除一個訊息、移除一群訊息和移除所有訊息。
在開發方面,開發者可以移除一個或多個訊息、標籤和組合訊息、更換訊息、設定訊息到期時間、傳送"Ghost Toast"(只會在Action Center中顯示)。但是較早前傳言會在WP8.1中會加入的Actionable Toast(不須完全進入App都可以直接回應訊息)沒有在這個更新中加入,可能會在未來的更新中加入吧!




Windows Phone手機的屏幕越做越大給用戶帶來了良好的視覺感官體驗,例如Lumia 1520。可如果屏幕尺寸變大,其鍵盤面積若仍舊霸佔著半個屏幕,實在是太不合理。
據說該鍵盤還有一項文本框的改進會加入,一起拭目以待。WP 8.1的更新預計會在今年4月份發佈。



Updated Windows Phone 8.1 WiFi settings demoed on video (WiFi Sense)

automatic re-enabling of WiFi connectivity

After switching WiFi off, it is now possible to set WiFi to be automatically switched back on after a set period of time (choice of 1 hour, 4 hours, 1 day), something that's very useful if you want to avoid using WiFi for a certain amount of time (e.g. when walking around town when your phone tries to log-on to multiple similarly named hotspots).

automatic sign-in to hotspots (WiFi Sense)

The feature that gives WiFi Sense its new name is the ability to sign into certain types of WiFi hotspot automatically. Typically, when using a public WiFi hotspot it is necessary to accept terms and conditions and (sometimes) enter a name, email address, and phone number, before you can start using the connection. This isn't usually a big deal on a laptop, but can be more fiddly on a smartphone. What WiFi Sense does is to accept terms and conditions and enter necessary information on your behalf (i.e. automatically). The result of this is that, when out and about, your phone is more likely to be able to user a WiFi hotspot, thus saving you from using cellular data.

It's not clear which hotspots are going to be support by WiFi Sense, but the likelihood is it will be popular large scale free hotspot networks, such as those provided by MacDonalds and Starbucks. Microsoft wll presumably also try to do this for other free hotspots too, but connectivity may depend on the software being able to recognise how to automate the terms and condition / information collection process.

Potentially, Microsoft could extend this feature to commercial WiFi networks that require user authentication, but this is unlikely to be present in the first implementation of WiFi Sense.

sharing of WiFi hotspots with friends

WiFi Sense also makes it easier to share WiFi hotspot details with friends. This will enable friends who have WiFi Sense on their devices to use the hotspot (WiFi connections) that you have configured on your device (and set as allowed for sharing), but without sharing (or having to enter) the necessary passwords. This would mean a friend could use your home WiFi connection, without you having to give them the password details (and with zero set up for them).

The WiFi Sense settings allows you to specify which group of friends get access to shared WiFi connections. You can opt to share with Outlook.com contact (default contact provider), Skype contacts, and / or Facebook friends, with the last two requiring prompted permission.

http://allaboutwindowsphone.com/ ... about+windows+phone


File Manager| Windows Phone 8.1 | confirmed.

File Manager will not have access to system files or program files. so there are no security risk, no malicious.

It means your WP will have 100% virus free even have File Manager.


Microsoft Camera in Windows Phone 8.1

[ 本帖最後由 kevinyuri 於 2014-3-13 09:57 編輯 ]


前微軟員工Nawzil在Twitter上爆料,Windows Phone 8.1系統將支持USB大容量存儲,而且可以連接存儲設備進行文件管理。
Nawzil 特別強調,任何搭載WP8.1系統的設備都可以支持OTG功能,包括新設備和WP8.1更新而來的設備。


Windows Phone 8.1 will release on 2nd April,2014.

It is Worldwide Developer preview update. Means all WP8 user(Need Devs ID) will get WP8.1 update in same time. Also it is Free update. This update size will around 500MB (Must need WiFi)

According to our previous some posts, we are know that 70-80% user don't wait for Official WP8.1 Update. Because all users are in very excited for WP8.1 .

We are also know that 90% people know "How to Update Developer Preview?"

But those people aren't know it, they are requested to go here http://bit.ly/HowToUpdateDevsPreview

from Windows Phone News


•Finger Print Scaner^ will come with WP8.1

• No 4 quick settings, Now 5 changeable quick settings in Action Center will come with WP8.1,

^Finger printer support on new phones that will come with a finger print reader.

from Windows Phone News


原帖由 kevinyuri 於 2014-3-22 19:27 發表
Windows Phone 8.1 will release on 2nd April,2014.

It is Worldwide Developer preview update. Means all WP8 user(Need Devs ID) will get WP8.1 update in same time. Also it is Free update. This update si ...


相信不少 Windows Phone 粉絲相當期待 4 月 2 日的到來,這一天除了微軟會在早上隆重發布最新的 Windows Phone 8.1 系統外,Nokia 也選擇在當天的下午五點發布更多的 Lumia 新機,而這批新機相信會配上最新的 Windows Phone 8.1 系統。

根據曝光的消息指出,Nokia 在 4月 2日當天至少會發布以下兩部新機:-

1. Lumia 630


  • 4.5 寸 854 x 480 解像度屏幕
  • 機身長寬 129.5 x 66.7 mm
  • Qualcomm Snapdragon 400 處理器
  • 1 GB RAM
  • 採用虛擬按鍵
  • 雙卡雙待

2. Lumia 930
  • 4.5″ 1080P 解像度屏幕
  • 2.2 GHz 四核心處理器
  • 16 GB 儲存容量
  • 2000 萬像素鏡頭
  • 2,700 mAh 電池

除了傳聞以上的兩部新 Lumia 機外,到底 Nokia 還保留了什麼驚喜還未被洩露呢?大家給點耐性,大約還有 8 天的時間自有分曉!