
[電子電玩] Xbox One Lost About $400,000,000 on last Fiscal Year

第1年來講, 算好好架啦, PS3 US$8xx成本賣US$499果陣你又唔講?

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pla ... nd_production_costs
http://www.gamesindustry.biz/art ... amages-sony-profits
PlayStation 3's initial production cost is estimated by iSuppli to have been US$805.85 for the 20 GB model and US$840.35 for the 60 GB model.[179] However, they were priced at US$499 and US$599 respectively, meaning that units may have been sold at an estimated loss of $306 or $241 depending on model, if the cost estimates were correct,[180] and thus may have contributed to Sony's games division posting an operating loss of ¥232.3 billion (US$1.97 billion) in the fiscal year ending March 2007.


原帖由 Aware 於 2014-8-10 17:42 發表

US$40M, Microsoft蝕得起, 同埋佢成本真係高過PS4 (thanks to its eSRAM)

launch xbox1貴過ps4 us$100係因為成本都高us$90, 而家cut左kinect, xbox1成本仲係貴過ps4小小

http://www.extremetech.com/gamin ... to-esram-and-kinect
The cost of making an Xbox One mostly boils down to the APU ($110 from AMD), 8GB of RAM ($60 from SK Hynix), and the Kinect ($75). The cost of the console itself comes to around $332, with the Kinect, power brick ($25), gamepad ($15), and headset making up the remainder.
For the PS4, iSuppli estimates that the APU was slightly cheaper ($100), but the GDDR5 RAM cost a lot more ($88). The hard drive ($37), controller ($18), and various other bits bring the total build cost of the PS4 to $381.
雖然我都同意Microsoft今次係衰marketing多過platform (雖然都有問題)