
[軟件] Vista, the best? Yes, just as good as all the others!!

Vista, the best? Yes, just as good as all the others!!

Windows Vista is out on the shelves. Mr. Gates is making quite a big fuss of it. It is indeed the most "expensive" operating system ever developed. According to Mr. Gates, it is the best OS that Microsoft have ever delivered

Hang on......... Any company that brings out a new product will of course better then the old one, then OF COURSE it is the "BEST". What a load of shxt coming from his mouth there.

Of course it is going to be the most expensive OS ever developed. Because it has been delayed for how long? 3 years!! Mr. Gates still have to paid those workers money to keep them going, undoubtedly it is going to expensive.
He also have this strange theory, from my understanding, that the more expensive it is, the better it is.

For example, Firefox, an internet browser that is completely free, is faster, more secure and less annoying then IE. You may argue that you dun have to pay for IE either, but remember, you have to pay for windows, and remember only Windows can run IE, whereas Firefox can be ran on nearly all platforms.(Yes, I know they did have IE for Mac, but they stop making that ages ago)

So, is Vista really better? My answer will be yes, but in 2 years time. When they sorted out most of the bugs and holes. There has been a general trend with recent Windows still being tested, when they are released. Yes, it is not a typo. Take Windows XP as an example, it has gone through 2 "service packs" to become "stable". SP2 was published in 2004, whole 3 years after the original version of XP was launched. And only after SP2, I regarded XP as an stable system.

There is also another issue, software and hardware compatibility. At the launch of any OS, there are obviously hardly any software support the OS fully. This is why I don\'t see people rushing into the whole new system. If you upgraded to Vista now, then half of your hardware can\'t run because the manufacturer is too slow on the making of the driver. Some vital software may not run, such as some anti-virus software. Great!! that means my computer is not protected at all by anything.

I\'ve play with the RC2 version of Vista before. Yes, it looks pretty, fun and excited. There are lot of new concept on it, such as the superfetch system. However, there are lot to be refined, judging by the rush nature of how Vista was developed.

To sum up, my advice is, stay with XP for another year, then you can think about upgrading when the hardware, software, and most important of all, the OS is actually stable.

(PS: I used the word "Stable" instead of "finished" because software can never be finished, there are always room for improvement.)

[ Last edited by 5毫子 on 2007-2-4 at 23:09 ]


I can\'t see Billy says "the best OS Microsoft have ever delivered" is BS.
It is the best OS that Microsoft have ever delivered but he didn\'t say the best OS in the WHOLE WORLD.

The author of this article is barking on a completely wrong tree.