
[硬件] GeForce 8600 series Review

GeForce 8600 series Review

我覺得...... 除左係DirectX 10 GPU之外,
無乜理由買佢而唔買X1950 series / 7900 series

While the 8600 GT improves on the performance of its spiritual predecessor the 7600 GT, we don\'t see significant performance improvement above hardware currently available at the target prices for the new hardware.
I will say this, if you have a limited budget of around $200... if you want decent performance... if you want the possibility of playing DX10 based games... and if you want to play your movies on your desktop, then the GeForce 8600 GTS is a card that can suit your needs. Looking at what is on the market currently, the X1950 Pro Ultimate we tested earlier this year is still attractive at $175.