
[硬件] OpenEXR format HDR won\'t survive...

OpenEXR format HDR won\'t survive...

for computer gaming.

OpenEXR format HDR requires a lot of bandwidth and instructions slots, the HDR data needed to be carry through the whole pixel pipeline. Therefore it\'s impossible to manipulate anything if you want to re-render the HDR data again. This is why AA cannot be applied when OpenEXR format HDR is used(it actually CAN, but the cost is TOO HUGE).

On the other hand, we see fragment shader bloom effect gaining much more appreciation with average joe gamers. Microsoft even claims the bloom effect is actually HDR. The bloom effect is a simple shader trick that cost much less than OpenEXR format HDR, therefore apply AA is feasible. Most importantly, to the eyes of average joes, Bloom and HDR DOESN\'T HAVE MUCH DIFFERENCE.

Any thoughts?

[ Last edited by Richteralan on 2006-1-2 at 10:44 ]